Welcome Financial Advisors

Streamline your AUM Growth

We help Financial Advisors of all sizes grow faster, by providing the tools needed to implement more efficient systems to generate more leads, meetings and clients.

About Us

Helping Financial Advisors Achieve Their AUM Goals

At Streamlined Advisor, we are passionate about helping FA's of all sizes achieve their goals. We believe that every FA has the potential to succeed, and we are committed to providing our clients with the tools and resources they need to reach their full potential.

Prospecting on Auto-Pilot

Automated Nurture Campaigns

Following up with your prospects is crucial for generating more meetings. It keeps you top of mind and ensures that your initial outreach doesn't get lost in the noise. By nurturing the relationship through timely and personalized follow-ups, you build trust and rapport, increasing the likelihood of securing a meeting and ultimately converting prospects into clients.

Lead Generation

Consistent lead generation is the lifeblood of any successful business, ensuring a steady flow of potential opportunities. However, it's the follow-up that truly transforms these leads into valuable meetings. Without consistent follow-up, even the most promising leads can slip through the cracks, making it critical to maintain persistence and engagement to secure those crucial meetings.

Center of Influence Referrals

Financial advisors often seek referrals from centers of influence, yet many lack a well-thought-out strategy to achieve their desired outcomes. Without a clear plan in place, efforts to cultivate these valuable referrals may fall short of expectations. Implementing a structured approach can help advisors leverage their relationships effectively and unlock the full potential of referral networks.

Multi-Channel Technology Solution

Having a dedicated platform to handle all prospect communications is essential for maximizing efficiency and productivity. It saves valuable time by centralizing communication channels and streamlining interactions, allowing for quicker response times and better organization.


Craig Scott

Welcome! My name is Craig Scott and I have over 20 years of experience as a successful Financial Advisor.

Let's talk about you...I've been in your seat before. I know how hard it is to consistently grow a book and keep your pipeline of prospects full.

Our solution will streamline your prospecting activites so you can focus on what you do best.


How much does your service cost?

Our technology platform is $197 per month. This will provide you all the tools you need in one place to streamline your prospecting outreach and follow up. We do have a one time onboarding cost ranging from $197 - $497 depending on the complexity of your unique business.

What if I already have a CRM?

Most of the Financial Advisors we speak with are utlizing their CRM for their existing clients, but not for their prospects. Our solution is geared towards leads and prospects. Our software can reduce the number of technologies you are using as well as effortessly include a multi-channel automated follow up system.

How long does it take to set this up?

Once we get everything we need from you, then you should be set up within 14 days. We are in constant communication with you during this process so you will be immediatley notified of potential delays.